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2018-07-18 10:18来源:江苏自考网


1. 星体的密度增大到一定程度时就会发生爆炸。

答: The star will explode when its density increases to some extent.

2. 你能想象黑洞的引力有多大吗?

答: Can you imagine how strong the gravitational pull of a black hole is ?

3. 假如有人掉进黑洞,他会认为很快能到达黑洞的中心。

答:If a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly.

4. 早在17世纪天文学家便对超新星有过报道。

答: Supernovae were reported by astronomers as early as in the seventeenth century.

5. 他已尽了全力以达到自己的目标。

答: He has exerted all his strength to attain his goal.

