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江苏省《 07969外贸口语》自学考试大纲:Episode Twelve: Arrival in the US

2014-07-15 08:38来源:江苏省教育考试院
Episode Twelve: Arrival in the US
1.(识记) Script and Comprehension Questions
2.(领会) Language skills:  1)       Entry into the US: at the immigration check-point; at customs
2)    Accommodations: making reservations; arriving at the hotel
3)        Postal services
3.(应用) Role play
4.(应用) Topics discussion 
上一篇:江苏省《 07969外贸口语》自学考试大纲:Episode Eleven: Setting off for the US

下一篇:江苏省《 07969外贸口语》自学考试大纲:Episode Thirteen: Visiting the Factories